Page 41 - Taliesin's Rainbow
P. 41

Dudjom Rinpoche predicts rainbow

In 1980 Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje, the second Dudjom Rin-
poche and head of the Nyingmapa school of Vajraya-
na Buddhism, consecrated and named Tashi Choling
Monastery, the land where Taliesin’s rainbow appeared.
During that ceremony, Dudjom Rinpoche stated on
this land, many people would achieve their rainbow
light body, which is the highest accomplishment - be-
coming deathless and immortal - disappearing from
the physical realm into the spiritual realm. The tantric
scriptures state when an individual has been liberated
from the round of existence, meaning birth, old age
sickness, and death and then again rebirth, the sign
will be a rainbow appears in the sky shortly after they
pass away.

It is very clear Taliesin had accomplished this. He woke
me from a dream telling me to bring his ashes to the
Vajrasattva Stupa. I did not know what that was until
Mathew guided us there. He told me he would disap-
pear into rainbow light just two hours before his Rain-
bow arched across the sky, linking the Vajrasattva stu-
pa and the Monastery, at the moment that his ashes
were placed in the Stupa.

The ancient Buddhist text states if one achieves their
rainbow light body in the Bardo, not only do they
achieve liberation themselves, but thousands of souls
are liberated with them. Taliesin’s accomplishment
was a trans-personal event!
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